DWI Defense

Hickory Attorney Specializes in DWI Defense Cases

We are experienced Traffic Law and Speeding Ticket Experts

Being charged with DWI in the State of North Carolina is a very serious experience and is likely a scary one also. You need to have the assistance of a dedicated and knowledgeable attorney to help navigate the laws concerning DWI, DUI, and various other traffic related charges.

DWI laws are complicated and can be hard to comprehend, but Ralph D. Yount of Hickory NC can confirm what rights you have and provide experienced legal representation. Being charged with driving while impaired can cause personal issues to arise, such as loss of job and loss of income as a result of losing your license.

Ralph D. Yount can also represent you against a variety of other traffic related charges. Sometimes even a simple traffic ticket can cause big problems. Call us today to discuss how we can help you with all your speeding and DWI related issues.

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